God loves you!  He sent his son Jesus to die on a cross for you, so that you could have a personal relationship with Him here and in heaven.  The Bible gives us steps we can follow to accept this amazing gift.

 That's GOOD NEWS!

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

The word “gospel” literally means good news! The reason it’s good news is that there is bad news. Why would anyone ever believe they need to hear the gospel or believe the gospel unless they understood their need for the gospel? That’s where this passage comes in. Romans 3:23 is a foundational reminder that we are all sinners. No one is righteous (Romans 3:10-12), no one is good, and no one keeps the Ten Commandments perfectly. God is holy, and every single human being who has ever lived does not perfectly live up to God’s standard. Whether you’ve sinned once, or are serving a life sentence in prison for murder, whoever fails to keep the whole law in one point is accountable for all of it according to God’s standard (James 2:10).

Sin is a reality that needs to be presented if we are going to understand the gospel. Everybody is a sinner. Being a sinner separates us from having a relationship with a holy God. We need a solution.
"God demonstrates His own love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

God was willing to do whatever it took to save us.  We were unlovable, but He loved us. We were hopeless, but He gives hope. We couldn’t save ourselves, but Christ could. In our spiritually dead and sinful condition (Ephesians 2:1), God chose to show mercy, love, and kindness to us.

Romans 6:23 says that "the wages of sin is death" which just means the penalty for our sin was separation from God in this life and for an eternity in hell.  Just like a human court system might have a penalty you must pay for your crime, the penalty for all sin is death.  But God had a plan.  Jesus. He died in the sinner’s place. He paid the penalty for sin so the sinner wouldn’t have to. He gave His life so you could live. By “eternal life,” the Bible means that you don’t need to die and end up in hell forever. You don’t have to experience the judgment of God upon sin for all eternity. You can live in heaven with Him for all eternity after this life ends. The Bible teaches that everyone will die (everyone knows this is true) and that after death in this life comes a moment of judgment (Hebrews 9:27). That moment of judgment does not need to end badly.

“…that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved…” Romans 10:9

Do you believe that Jesus is Lord? Do you believe He was the Son of God who died for your sin and rose from the dead? Are you willing to confess your sin, accepting the bad news that you are spiritually bankrupt without God’s help? Are you willing to accept the good news that God has made a way for you to have a relationship with Him and be saved from the penalty of sin, which is His wrath?  Tell God, and see what He can do with your life.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s power can change you. You don’t have to live a life of brokenness and bondage, you don’t have to be hopeless. Jesus can set you free. Jesus can give you hope.

you are invited!

If you don't have a church to call home, you are always welcome at The House. We invite you to come and be a part of our family!